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International: Edith Rueger |
The late Boris Rueger
with his wife Edith Rueger of
Pennsylvania and Florida
Dedicated supporter of the
Museum of Lifestyle & Fashion History
Edith Rueger passed away on August 26, 2010
Fund was established at
Museum for gallery in the honor of her and
her late husband Boris Rueger |
Boynton Beach, Florida & Delray Beach, Florida &
Northwales, Pennsylvania- - - Boris and Edith
Rueger were the longest and most significant supporters of
the Museum of Lifestyle & Fashion History when they became
involved in year 2000. Sadly, Edith Zal Rueger passed away
on August 26, 2010, one-year and two months to date of the
passing her husband Boris Rueger who preceded her in June
For numerous years, the Ruegers have supported the Museum's
inventive educational programs and efforts to secure a
permanent home. Some of the Museum programs which they
supported included the annual
Children & Parents Day
event that has been held in Boynton
Beach; and they also funded the
Museum’s monthly Narrated Bus
Tours of Historic Delray Beach and
the Children’s Mathematics in
Design & History program. In Addition, the
Ruegers also sponsored the Museum’s efforts to open in its
current 8,000 square feet facility located in
Boynton Beach, Florida at
the Boynton Beach Mall. Because of the support from the
Ruegers, the facility was renovated last year and includes
three gallery spaces and an education room. One of the
galleries will be named in their honor.
For more than 45 years, the Ruegers lived in
Delaware County,
where Boris Rueger was a co-owner of the East End Repair
Shop. He and his wife Edith married nearly 65 years ago on
December 31, 1944. The Ruegers lived in
Pennsylvania until their retirement to
Delray Beach, Florida more in 1985. They both helped to
create and Edith chaired a cultural program called “Summer
Humanities” for 16 years which was open to residents of Huntington Lakes in Delray Beach. They were also active members at
Temple Sinai in Delray Beach, Florida.
Boris and Edith Rueger were each others best friend. Their
birth dates were only one day a part as Edith often recalled
“Bob’s birthday is November 22nd and my birthday is
November 21st.” They are survived by their two
wonderful children, Larry Rueger and Judi Space; and two
fantastic grandchildren Rita Rueger and Dana Rueger along
with a host of many wonderful family members and friends.
And, the Ruegers also developed a very special friendship
with Lori J. Durante who is the Executive Director of the
Museum of Lifestyle & Fashion History. Lori often referred
to the Ruegers as her
“honorary grandparents.”
Boris and Edith are now both interred in
Wallingford, Pennsylvania.
Year 2010 marks the eleventh anniversary of the Museum of
Lifestyle & Fashion History. The Ruegers had dedicated many
years to help the Museum realize its dream of a permanent
home. In Fall of 2009, the Museum of Lifestyle & Fashion
History opened donated facility at the Boynton Beach Mall in Boynton Beach, Florida. The Museum will be at the mall
location while efforts still continue for the permanent
facility. A gallery at the Museum’s current location will be
named in their honor. If you would like to make a monetary
donation to the Museum towards a fund to help raise monies
for the gallery to be named in the honor of Boris & Edith
Rueger, send a monetary donation, in any amount, payable to
the Museum of Lifestyle & Fashion History at P.O. Box 6127,
Delray Beach, Florida 33482 or donations can be made on-line
at MLFHMUSEUM.org. For more information, call 561-243-2662
donate@mlfhmuseum.org .