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Black Tie International:
Elite Professional Networking:
May Veterans Benefit
Front row: Petra Kopf
Hampton Social Network, Sgt.
Jose Sanchez Veteran Honory,
Steven Engelson CEO Encom
Werner, TV Broadcaster &
Distributor at MARK 7
Second Row: Gloria
Cressler President Elite
professional Event Producer,
Tony Rose Dir. of TR Luxury
& Mrs. Rose,
Third Row: Tery
Fugate, Author & Style &
Life Coach Susan Korwin,
Marc Segelnick Partner
Central Securities of
Donna Scott celebrity Skin
Specialist. Ariane Datil
Miss New Jersey 2012, Sherry
Kumar of Euro Circle, Jared
Ginsberg President Classic
Act Sports,
Back Row: Ilya Zlobin of
Global Inf. Network, Dr.
Robert Korwin, Bill Lanndis
Director of Film & Talent of
T2 Entertainment, Celebrity
Stephen Valentine, Clovis
Gniguessi of Sangopire,
Inc. & not in the
picture HRH Prince Oriteme &
Ambassador and Mrs. Irmeli
Viinanen of Finland other
Important guests.
Friends of Black
Elite Professional Networking
Veterans Benefit
Photos by
Blacktiemagazine/GMK |
Article BY:
Gloria Consolacion T. Cressler
Editor: Black Tie International
Interviews by:
Producer Michael
Giakumelos and
Stephen Diacrussi of
May Celebration
was a
success. While
was cold
was warm
professionals were
for the
queens, singers,
of the
We were
by the
of Bill
and, of
of Black
This special gathering was held at the Trump Tower International World Bar, near the United Nations. Elite Professional Networking Group (EPN) along with Black Tie International Magazine, Giorgio G Cognac (a product of world famous fashion designer Giorgio Gucci),
Emperors Vodka and AR-1 Supercar hosted the event.
We were happy to be joined by Ambassador Viinanen of Finland, who was accompanied by his lovely wife Ms. Irmeli Viinanen. Also in attendance was the very personable and friendly Thelma Dixon of the United Nations. Making the rounds at the event was our good friend Roberto Rizzo, the CEO of the New York City International Film Festival (NYCIFF.) We were fortunate to have His Royal Highness the Prince Oriteme in attendance. With so many recent dynamic world developments, our guests were eager to engage the Prince in some spirited and interesting conversations.
Our event was made all the more special by the presence of Miss New Jersey 2012 - Ms Ariane Datil, and Miss New York Rose - Tralee Annemarie Lynch. Everyone had the opportunity to have their photo taken with these gracious, intelligent and very beautiful women. Our red carpet is always out for these stars!
And let’s not forget that everyday, thousands and thousands of our service men and women make tremendous sacrifices to protect our freedoms. We are fortunate to have so many highly skilled and unselfish individuals willing to stand in harms way so we can enjoy the richness of life in our country. As in the past, we invite veterans to our celebrations in order to say “thank you.” Our veteran honoree for the evening was Army Sgt. Jose Sanchez, who was accompanied by his wife Carol. We were also visited by veterans Viktoriya Mikhelzon and Jungwon Yun. Special thanks to Tony Ntnelas of the Wounded Warrior Projects for helping to coordinating this portion of the evening.
What’s a party without great music? Singer and songwriter Chantele DiBrava entertained us with her beautiful sounds of pop, classic, soul and rhythms and blues songs. Chantele has the looks of an angel and the voice of a diva – a beautiful combination that mesmerized the crowd throughout the evening! If you are looking for a singer for your next event just let us know! We will gladly give you Chantele’s contact information. She is currently represented by Absolute Pitch..
One of the sponsors for the evening was Donna Scott of both Donna Scott Secret Med Spa and Donna Scott Celebrity Facialist. Everyone wants to look their best – and Donna’s beauty treatment and products can magically transform your “everyday look” into that of a super-star. Donna’s spa services are in demand – and not surprisingly, she is a regular to the stars at the Oscars as well as the models in New York City’s Fashion Week. Many of our guests were fortunate to received Donna’s special treatment that evening – and it showed with their glowing skin, and a renewed vitality. Need some one to help you get rejuvenated and reenergized? Let us know and we will put you in touch with this exceptional service.
Donna was accompanied by Dominic J. Ferrara, who has modeled in runway shows, music videos, and on television. Need a super-professional to launce your newest campaign - Dom is available!
And, of course our regular sponsor, Mr. Nick Alessi of AR-1 Supercar was in attendance. The AR-1 Supercar is a limited production vehicle that blends art, automotive technology, and high-speed performance in one unique package. As a cutting edge designer, Nick is always swarmed by a growing legion of fans enthralled by his craftsmanship.
The AR-1 Supercar has been driving a “highway of red carpets” throughout the month of May. The AR-1Supercar was at the Pantagis Renaissance for a fashion show and charity event hosted by designer Simone Rodriquez of Sisa Designs. The fashion show was fantastic, and the AR-1 Supercar was a big hit. Guests and fashion designers made sure to have their photo taken with the AR-1 - they just love this rolling work of art.
And on Tuesday May 8, the AR-1 traveled to Westport Connecticut for a charity event sponsored by Stand for the Troops. This not-for-profit organization, led by Major General Baptiste, supports our returning war veterans. Though there were strong winds and heavy rains, the event was packed by a top-tier cliental that generously opened their wallets and purses for this worthy charity. The AR-1, protected by a tent enclosure, drew lots of oooohs and ahhhs, and enhanced the star power of the event!
And on May 9, Nick Alessi had the AR-1 Supercar at the Valley Brooke Country Club in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. The famous Philadelphia Eagles football player Vince Papale hosted the charity event. Yes, that’s the same Vince Papale who’s life was the subject of the recent blockbuster “Invincible." As you remember, Mark Walhberg played the role of Vince in this inspirational film that deserves to be seen over and over again. The charity event was great - so many important guests, great food and drinks. And while lots of people lined up for a picture with Vince, just as many people wanted a picture with the AR-1.
The following day, the AR-1 was at the Business Expo in Manhattan. Most impressed with the car was Bill Walsh, the famous author, speaker, entrepreneur, and business expert. Bill co-hosted the Business Expo and spoke to 4,800 people at the Skytop Ballroom of the Pennsylvania Hotel! Here is an interesting note about the growing interest in the AR-1: When the car arrived in its trailer in midtown Manhattan, people trying to get glimpse Nick Alessi’s “rolling thunder” immediately was surrounded. When the car was moved out of the trailer, everybody went crazy! Those typically stoic New Yorkers were smiling -saying how they had never seen a car as beautiful as this one. Many commented that the AR-1 looks like a cross between a Lamborghini and the Batmobile. Cell phones and cameras were flashing! Bill Walsh of Power Team International and his business associates were really impressed with the AR-1. Nick Alessi took the time to explain his design philosophy, and the materials and techniques used to build a world class “supercar.” Already, the AR-1 has been featured in music videos, television shows, movies,
and fashion shows.
And on May 17, the AR-1 Supercar was at the Boathouse by Central Park for the 14 European Chambers Summer Event. The AR-1 Supercar was an instant hit! Attendees of the event and casual park goers constantly surrounded the car. The car proved to be so popular with the crowds that the police didn’t enforce the permit restrictions, allowing the car to stay in the Central Park way into the late hours of the evening! (Yes, I will be writing a separate article about these several events with the AR-1 Supercar with all the pictures
Our birthday celebrant for May was celebrity dentist Dr. Robert Korwin, accompanied by his lovely wife, author, style and life coach Susan Korwin. Another birthday honoree was Michael Giakummelos, producer of MGTVUSA. Our guests sang Happy Birthday while Robert and Michael were blowing out the candles on their special birthday cakes.
Once again, thanks to Kenneth McClure, the general manager of the Trump Tower International World Bar. Mr. McClure & his staff did another outstanding job for us and we say “Well Done.” Ken is also the vice-president of Hospitality Holdings, a company that operates eight different lounges and restaurants, including The Empire Room at the Empire State Building. The Empire Room is “the place” for afternoon cocktails and a wonderful site for your next special event.
Our additional guests who are not on the pictures are. Jim Swiger Managing Director of Enviroglobal, Lilli Stieberg CEO Utility Cost Reduction,
Debbie Rodriquez Director Societe Generale, Yaya Rey CEO & President YA IndieGroundHouse, Celebrity Architect Stephen Valentine,
Dmetrios Tzortzis Founder & CEO FRESHTWIST MEDIA, Herbert Zydek President Atlantica (Real Estate), Tommy Harmantzis
Marketing Director
RADIO NEO, Svetlana Ushakova Brand Manager TELE 2 (former model), Nataly Stern President Stern Gallery, Inc. Ciano Clerjuste Founding Partner/President United Colors of Fashion, Robin & Kathryn Drennon that came all the way from Texas (we thank them for taking there time to attend our event), Sophia Facey of CRUISE ONE (in all your travel needs)
Jared Ginzberg President & Producer Class Act Sports, Park Young-Sil President Ps.p.a., Darren Danks Production Coordinator BizCastr, Ben Richman KEO,
Anton Werner, TV Broadcaster & Distributor at MARK 7 STUDIOS
Leon K. Jones Legal Shield, Bill Coffey Ambit Energy, Matthew Costantino Ambit Energy, Natsumi Suzuki REDAC, Inc., Juan C. Benitez Remax, Christina Ioannides Bloomberg Inc., Arthur Robinson, Jr., Julie Land Devine Events, Shea DeSimone United Business Services Inc, Jeffrey A. Buffum Northwestern
Mutual, Alejandro Orozco World International Investments LLC, Harrison Alexander King, Jazmine Foxx CEO Expression Lounge, Joseph Galimidi,
Lou Harrison, Antoine Weiner, Unateresa Gormley & Paul McCullogh of New York Rose of Tralle and many others.
We want to once again thank all our friends and guests who always support us. and the help of the following individuals. Mr. Gerard Mc keon Publisher of Black Tie International Magazine, Beatrice Bugnosen Publicist Absolute Pitch, Sonny Leface, Rebecca Lewis, Husain Ansar, Herbert Mones, and Ciano Clerjuste.
Thank you for all your help.
This is your host Gloria Cressler signing off, We will see you in our next fabulous event on
June 18, July 17, at the Trump Tower International World Bar
by the United Nations, same time. we are off on August and September and be back on Oct. 16, for our next event. Location TBA.
For any information of the companies that are on the article feel free to contact us, and for the invitations and sponsorships on our next events.
feel free to email us to:
Tel. 1-718-803-0022 from 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M.
SEE YOU ON JUNE 18 & JULY 17, 2012
Gloria T. Cressler
President & CEO
Elite Professional Networking Group
P.R. & Event Producer Company
Black Tie International Magazine
United Nations Association
Dr. Robert Korwin, Bill
Lanndis, Annemarie
Lynch Miss New York Rose of
Tralee, Our veteran honory
Sgt. Jose Sanchez, Gloria T.
& Anriane Datil Miss New
Anriane Datil, Miss New Jersey,
Veteran Sgt. Jose Sanchez & Mrs. Carol
Sanchez |
Carol, Sgt. Snchez & Donna Scott Preparing Sgt. Sanchez for
beauty treatment |
Steve Fox, Miss
New Jersey |
Miss New Jersey, Annemarie Lynch, New York, Rose of Tralee |
Gloria Cressler,
Steve Fox,
Annemarie Lynch,
our guest Singer
Chantele DiBrava
Tony Crisci,
Annemarie Lynch
Gloria Cressler, Annemarie
Miss New York Rose of Tralee,
Kenneth McClure ,General
Manager Trump Tower
International World Bar
& Ariane Datil Miss New Jersey
Annemarie Lynch, Svetlana
Ushakona Mr. Roberto Rizzo
CEO New York City
International Festival (NYCIFF)
Singer/Songwriter Chantele
Ariane Datil
Annemarie Lynch, Gerard Mc Keon
Miss New
Miss New
Rose of
Marc Segelnick,
Anton Werner, Miss New Jersey |
Tony Rose & Mrs. Rose of TR Luxury with Miss New Jersey |
New Jersey,Sgt. Jose Sanchez with his Award of Appreciation |
Singer/Songwriter Chantele
DiBrava |
Suzumi, Sonny Le Facce
See You, Next
Event !
AR-1 is American Attitude-
Leading in style, leading in
performance, and leading the
super car pack.
Past Events |
Elite Professional Networking:
April Veterans Benefit |
Elite Professional Networking:
St Patrick's Day |
Valentines Day Red Carpet Event

Holiday Red Carpet Event
2011 |
Celebrating 250th Anniversary of NYC St. Patrick's Day Parade |
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