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Black Tie
Welcoming Spring |
1st Row: Lily Benjamin, Galina Babushkin, Celebrity
Artist MARCO, Rebecca Lewis, Andrea Spring Managing
Director Blue Star Jets, Maria Soccor Actress Movie
Producer, Galina Saucedo Interior Designer, Paula Oleska
President Super Brain Breakthroughs,
2nd Row: Elizabeth Anne Quesada, Larry
Blascovich, Howard Efram , Irina Gubenko,
3rd Row: Richard Alan Owner/Patner Richard
Alan Management , Brett Copeland President & Founder
Brett Copeland& Associates, LLC, Barclay Ford
Smyly, Natalie Cruz &
Award Winning Producer, Director & Writer Dean Love
By: Gloria Consolacion Tamayo Cressler
Editor: Black Tie International Magazine
Photographs by Barry Brown of Barry Brown Studios ( and
TV Coverage by MGTVUSA &
Frankly New York Channel 38
Our Welcome in spring event held on April 28th,
Is a fabulous evening where old and new friends mingled, and shared their joy for the greening of our earth, once again celebrating the annual renewal of life. We had many new friends added who were invited by our committed guests. These wonderful new guests easily joined us in the festivities. Several of our party-goers were dressed in bright colors showing their creativity by welcoming spring, including yours truly. Everyone was having a terrific time, reuniting with old friends and meeting new people. Many stayed very late, most remained until after 11:00 pm - they could not leave because they were having so much fun, meeting, greeting, socializing and having unique discussions with our VIP guest celebrity artist MARCO of MARCOART. Sadly, I had to leave him alone to fend with our guests, due to my rush in preparing for my trip, and touring once again to several countries throughout Europe.
The venue was held again at The World Bar at Trump Tower International by the United Nations and produced by yours truly, Gloria T. Cressler, CEO/Founder of Elite Professional Networking Group and Editor & Host of Black Tie International Magazine & TV. Co-hosted by Black Tie International Magazine, Power Team International, Giorgio G. Cognac (by famous designer Giorgio GUCCI), and Emperors Vodka, Wine World Wide Inc., and Global Fine Wines & Food Connection.
Our VIP guests were led by our long-time friend Award Winning Director, Producer and Writer, Dean Love of The FBI File, Life in Mars, Queen Elizabeth 1 (The Virgin Queen), and many others. Dean, always graciously gives us his presence- when he is not traveling all over the world filming movies. And once again, we have the presence of our good friend, lovely and truly amazing Maria Soccor, actor, director and producer. She is also the cousin of the famous actor Stanley Tucci, Opera Singer Cristina Fontanelli and of course Dr. Olga Alexakos, the President of The Association of Greek American Professional Women (AGAPW).
The Welcome in spring event was attended by so many of our wonderful loyal friends, and new additions, which we appreciate greatly call having new friends. The sharing included stories about their lives, life, and discussed business strategies and networked looking for entrepreneurial opportunities. Everyone is looking forward towards our next fabulous event and joining us and the center of attention will be the President of The Greater New York Chamber of Commerce: Mark Jaffe and their members. So it should be another interesting and fun event, again as always…
The featured celebrity guest of course was the Artist: MARCO of MARCOART, dubbed as the next Andy Warhol. Marcoart is a full service high end, POP Art studio helmed by the Legendary POP Artist Marco. The Marcoart Mobile is always on the move providing murals, POP portraits, tribute pieces, children's parties, and a lot of charity events... MARCO believes that art is for all people. MARCO has been commissioned and has co-branded with some of the biggest names in film, television, music, entertainment, politics and business including Quentin Tarantino, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Moby, Fashion Designer Marc Ecko & Russell Simons with RUN DMC (in which I was lucky to be a part of the event where they collaborated together).
Entertainment was provided by Toby, led by the artist Marco. Marco founded Toby Soba and the Smokestax as a way to reflect on his experiences traveling to the Tsunami affected areas of Japan, such as Ishinomaki where they entertained the local children, and provided several charity art exhibitions and fundraising events
for the victims of the tsunami.
Marco’s original paintings and drawings are sold for thousands of dollars international and locally, MARCOART publishes Children’s books, licenses products, like china dishes, cups, pillows for UNICEFF, and other products like calendars, towels and watches for SWATCH (his design with Swatch Watch is still the most sellable SWATCH Watch) In the past every time Swatch open a new store in different parts of the World, They always asked Marco to make a Mural Paintings for the this new store, And then they invite Marco to sign Autographs and have pictures with the guests and the guests really have a wonderful time. He has a lot of Mural paintings all over New York, and if you happen to be at the New Jersey Airport at the old Continental Lobby they have a very large Mural paintings of Marco at the wall. Right now Marco is working on an animated children's cartoon, a TV Show, and an illustrated novel. He has donated a lot of his work to philanthropic Gala Fundraisers, and to thousands of charity organizations.
Marco is preparing for his exhibitions in the fall in Japan, Dubai, Belgium, Germany, and negotiations are in the works to have an exhibition at the beautiful 400-year-old, 5 Star Resort, Bio-Hotel by the Austrian Alps in Tyrol Austria called STANGLWIRT. A wonderful luxurious mountain escape, an exclusive hotel frequented by International Celebrities and politicians for many many years. When you are there, you feel like you are in heaven and you can smell the fresh air from the alps… Do check out this fabulous hotel online, go to: Maria Hauser one of the daughters and also help in running the hotel, also suggested that MARCO should have an exhibition at the Kitzbuhel Country Club. Marco, also works with children, where he spends hours teaching them art, and is such an inspiration for them. This is an excellent way to incorporate them into the moral of the children, especially if they can make their own art while they learn. Feel free to contact me about the fabulous Stanglwirt Hotel and contact information for MARCO by email at, or
OUR CORPORATE SPONSOR FOR THE MONTH is Dr. Philip D. Craig, Dr. Philip D. Craig is a Naturopathic doctor specializing in chronic pain and other chronic conditions, He's worked with several Spa's, like Oasis Day Spa, Harmony Skin Care, Body Essentials Day Spa, as well as the 7th Avenue Medical Rehabilitation Chiropractic Clinic. He is also affiliated with C.R.S The Center for Remembering and Sharing, IDO Shiatsu Center, and The Double Diamond Wellness Center, and many other places. Remember if you have pain in your body and other chronic diseases make sure to get in touch with him. Check out Dr. Craig’s website:, or email to Dr. Craig at
Once again, we thank Kenneth McClure, Vice President and Group General Manager of Hospitality Holdings which owns The World Bar at the Trump Tower and seven other world renowned establishments, including the Carnegie Club, who always serves us sumptuous food and provides such great drinks.
We want to thank our superb co-host, sponsors, guests and new friends who support us every month with our events and charities, and also thank: Mr. Gerry McKeon the Publisher of Black Tie International Magazine, Dr. Thomas Mallios, Rebecca Lewis, and Jun Pasiculan and many others.
Additional Guests: Dan McCormick COO Kapow, Richard Alan Owner/Partner Richard Alan Management, Paula Oleska President Super Brain Breakthroughs, Jim Swiger Managing Director Enviroglobal solutions, Ltd, Andrea Spring Managing Director Luxury Travel Division Blue Star Jets, Brett Copeland President & Founder of Brett Copeland & Associates, LLC, Michael Takiff Executive Director Gravitas History, Denise Hunter President Destinations link hospitality, Galina Saucedo Interior Designer, Galina Babuskin District Manager Arbonne, Kamran Mirza Principal Hudson City Holdings,
Raj Kashyap Managing Partner & President Global M & A network, Ashton J. Stewart League of Women Voters of the City of New York, Larry E. Mathews Art Director/Production Manager NYS Society of CPA's NYSSCPA, Artist Michael Indorato, Irina Gubenko Aromatherapy Specialist, Karen Young Miss Asia International, Lily Benjamin Global Organization Development & Learning Sr. Executive, Elizabeth Anne Queseda, James M. Pecora DJK Residential, Lindai Schwartz Lindai's Bodywork, Maya Beridze Interpreter/Translator & Editor, Barclay Ford Smyly Bond Real Estate, Natalie Cruz Patient Care Coordinator Amen Clinics, Meridith Manna Singer & Many more.
This is your host: Gloria Cressler signing off.
We will see you at our next events:
June 14, Black Tie Gala Event & Fashion Show and Marco Art Exhibitions at The Sheraton Hotel Ballroom in Time Square.
July 15, & October 07, at Trump Tower World Bar and so on
…For invitations to this events,
Please email us and do make sure to RSVP RIGHT AWAY to or due to VERY limited space. See you at our next exclusive, fun and elegant celebration where all our guests are treated like the VIP's…they truly are.
Gloria T. Cressler
CEO/Founder Elite Professional Networking Group
Editor & Host Black Tie International Magazine TV
United Nations Association
United Nations Foundation
United Nations Women Association
Ambassador: Power Team International
Cressler Event Producer & Host & CEO/Founder
Elite Professional Networking Group (EPNG) ,
Editor Black Tie International Magazine &
Celebrity Artist MARCO
Gerard Mc Keon, Raj Kashyap, & Larry
Gloria T. Cressler, and the diplomats from the Italian
(Office of the Ambassador of Italy) and Italian Consulate |
Barclay Ford Smyly, Natalie Cruz, Gloria T. Cressler, Galina
Saucedo & Richard Alan |
Philip Craig with his sponsorship table |
Benjamin, Galina Babushkin & others
Gloria T. Cressler, Andrea Spring &
Gerard Mc Keon |
Artist Michael Indorato, Lilly Benjamin, Galina Saucedo, Artist Marco, Rebecca Lewis, Andrea Spring, Jun Pasiculan, Barcley Ford Smyly Natalie Cruz & Dr. Phil Craig.
Artist Marco singing
Phil Craig , Gloria T. Cressler, Brett Copeland one of
the door prize winner |
Phil Craig receiving the door prize from Debra Johnson
Gloria T. Cressler,
and Artist Marco giving the door prize
, An Original Drawing
Dr. Tom Mallios, guest, Opera Singer Cristina
Fontanelli. giving a door Prize to the winner.
Tom Mallios & Richard Alan receiving his door prize. |
Extra!!!! |
Black Tie
International Magazine Travel
The Last Time I Saw Paris |
2013 |
Toni Bauer and Gudrun of Anton Bauer Winery, Gloria
T. Cressler and Robert Lester
at the winery for the
wine festival in Austria |
Past Events |
Valentine Celebration |
Year Celebration |
Holiday Celebration |
Thanksgiving Celebration |
Annual Platinum Celebrity Red Carpet Event |
Elite Professionals:
MidSummer Night Celebration |
Elite Professionals:
June Summer Celebration |
Elite Professionals:
May Festival Celebration |
Professionals: Spring Benefit |
Elite Professionals:Valentine Benefit |
Elite Professionals:
New Year Veterans Benefit |
Elite Professionals:
Holiday Veterans Benefit |
Elite Professionals: Thanksgiving Veterans Benefit |
Friends of Black Tie / Elite Professionals: Platinum Awards |
Battalion 69th Infantry,
Bill Walsh
President & Founder Power Team International,
Gerard Mc Keon
Publisher and Founder Black Tie International
and the Producer of the Event
Gloria T. Cressler
President & Founder Elite Professional
Networking Group
Elite Professional Networking:
April Veterans Benefit |
Elite Professional Networking:
St Patrick's Day |
Valentines Day Red Carpet Event

Holiday Red Carpet Event
2011 |
Celebrating 250th Anniversary of NYC St. Patrick's Day Parade |
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