A Day in the Life of Michelle-Marie Heinemann
February 23, 2014
On Friday, February 21st, I had lunch with
Lauren Lawrence.....the premiere dream expert of today as
well as author, dreams columnist of the New York Daily News
and was the host of "Celebrity Nightmares Decoded" on the
Biography channel. She is also the former "Political Dreams"
columnist of John Kennedy's GEORGE magazine.

The fascinating book Lauren Lawrence wrote.....Private
Dreams of Public People.
I am an avid dreamer. I dream in color and my
dreams are so full of situations
that often times when I awake in the morning I am mentally
exhausted and emotionally affected by what I have dreamt.
Lauren wrote a fascinating book titled,
Private Dreams of Public People.
The creme de la creme of celebrities opened up and shared
their most private dreams. Sophia Loren, Michael Douglas,
Anthony Quinn, Paul McCartney, and Madonna
are just a few who invited Lauren into their chambre a

The Author, Lauren Lawrence with her
The scientific study of dreams is called
oneirology and dreams mainly occur in the rapid-eye movement
(REM) stage of sleep, when brain activity is high and
resembles that of being awake. Dreams can last for a few
seconds, or as long as 20 minutes. The average person has
three to five dreams per night, but some may have up to
seven dreams in one night. During a full eight hour night
sleep, most dreams occur
in the typical two hours of REM.

Lauren has a Masters Degree in Psychology from The New
School of Social Research and has published numerous
articles on psychoanalytic theory in scientific journals,
and is also the author of "Dream Keys: Unlocking the Power
of your Unconscious Mind" ..."Dream Keys for Love: Unlocking
the secrets of your own Heart"...
and "Dream Keys for the future."

My signed copy of Private Dreams of Public People.
Why do we dream? Freud said that whether we
intend it or not, we're all poets.
That's because on most nights, we dream. Dreams are a lot like poetry, in
in both things, we express our internal life in similar ways.
You can learn astonishing things from your
dreams, and even if I find my dreams exhausting at times I
always look forward and await my next night time adventure.
Love you Lauren.....we had so much fun
Until Next Time.......xoxo....Michelle-Marie